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Nuestro Blog
Hello friends, it's already 2022! The truth is that the time for us to leave is getting closer and closer. Now, it feels very very close...
Mora Melby
Dec 21, 20216 min
Feliz Navidad / Merry Christmas
Hay momentos en los que Dios te permite tomar un respiro y aprender algo importante. Da alegría y deleite no solo funcionalidad. Resolvió...
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Mora Melby
Oct 26, 20216 min
God Creates and Provides / Dios Crea y Provee
Hello friends, this month I wanted to share something that has been spinning around in my mind. God has been good to us, He has provided...
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Mora Melby
Sep 23, 20217 min
el reino de dios / kingdom of god
Como muchos de ustedes saben, yo, Aemilii, comencé a trabajar a tiempo completo en el ministerio en Julio. Al principio, sentí que...
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Mora Melby
Aug 16, 20213 min
Suficiente / Sufficient
Antes de decir cualquier otra cosa, quiero agradecer a Dios por su misericordia. El último par de semanas Dani y yo hemos estado en...
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Mora Melby
Jul 10, 20215 min
worship, vacations and refrigerators! / Adoración, vacaciones y refrigeradoras
Hello friends, this month I have two stories for you. As some of you know, in Mongolia we are going to have the help an organization that...
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Mora Melby
Jun 13, 20214 min
Dios es siempre el mismo /God remains the same
Durante los últimos 5 años, he tenido el privilegio de enseñar el Evangelio a niños pequeños a diario como maestra de preescolar /...
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Mora Melby
May 8, 20214 min
God is faithful... again / Dios es Fiel... de nuevo
Hello friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope everyone is safe and healthy. For those not in Costa Rica, COVID cases have...
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Mora Melby
Apr 3, 20213 min
Dios dispuso todo para bien/God Intended it for Good
Hace muchos años, un hombre en Bulgaria entregó su vida a Cristo mientras su nación se alejaba del control de la Unión Soviética. Unos...
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Mora Melby
Mar 8, 20214 min
Segundas oportunidades / Second opportunities
Hello friends and brothers and sisters, this month we fell behind in writing the newsletter. I don't know if you know but normally...
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Mora Melby
Jan 31, 20214 min
Sobreviviendo la noche /Making It Through the Night
Como algunos de ustedes sabrán, el pasado diciembre y principios de enero visitamos a mi familia (Aemilii) en los Estados. Sabíamos de...
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Mora Melby
Nov 26, 20206 min
ThanksGiving /dar gracias
I have heard many times that this year has been bad. I have also heard worse words to describe it. At best, I've heard that this year has...
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Mora Melby
Oct 27, 20204 min
Let His Kingdom Come/ Que venga su reino
Las últimas semanas yo, Aemilii, he estado estudiando el libro de Juan. Mi intención original era enseñar a través de devocionales y, por...
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Mora Melby
Sep 23, 20204 min
This month we don't have a specific story or message. We have to tell you all several things that have happened. First, we finished the...
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Mora Melby
Jul 21, 20204 min
Where is our faith? / Donde esta nuestra fe?
Hi all! To those who are still in their homes, and to those who can already leave. Today we want to share a couple of things. First a...
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Mora Melby
Jun 4, 20203 min
Saludos a todos desde la casa Mora Melby. Gracia y paz para ti desde nuestro hogar hasta el tuyo. Mientras me siento en mi sofá digo una...
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Mora Melby
Apr 30, 20209 min
lecciones de cuarentena /Lessons from quarantine
Hello everyone! Usually in our newsletter we share an update of the month or some specific story. This month I wanted to do something...
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Mora Melby
Mar 25, 20203 min
Trust in God
Trust in the Lord! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he...
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Mora Melby
Feb 24, 20203 min
Este mes han pasado muchas cosas, y hemos tenido que tener muchísima fe y determinación. Hemos tenido muchas reuniones con posibles...
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